Moving your Pet
Your pet can become very stressful when it’s time to move. You want to make sure you have a good veterinarian, groomer and a day care for your precious pets in your new city. Your pets should have all their shots updated and have their current medication. Routine is very important to try to keep in your pet’s life. Transportation is also important from riding in the car to flying with your pet. You need to make reservations on airlines usually a month out traveling in a car, you want to get your pet use to a pet carrier or a restraining harness seat belt if needed. There are Pet Moving Services available to help relocate your pet. On moving day, you might take them to a day care or confine them to a single room so they cannot get out. When they do arrive at their new home make sure they are given the chance to smell and walk around their new surroundings. You definitely want to check for loose electrical cords and for poisonous plants. All windows should have secure screens, and all outdoor gates should be secured. Please make sure your pets have their ID tags on their collars or microchip.
Pampering Your Pet
When you arrive at your new home, pampering your pet can ease their transitions. You can make home cooked food for your pet. You can take your dog for a nice long walk to get familiar to their new surroundings. You can give our dog a bath or take them to a Doggy Spa place. Haircuts, nails trimmed and ears cleaning are s great way to spoil your fur babies. A nice cozy pet bed is great way to pamper your pet. You and your pet can have activities planned for the day of dog parks, lake swimming or play dates with other pets.
Designing your Pet Room
Designing your pet room can be fun and exciting. The best colors for animals are blue and yellow. Pet rooms can be under the stairs, in the office, in the mudroom or an extra bedroom. A grooming station is great to add to your pet room if you have space. Dog beds and dog chaises add that extra fluff to your pet’s room. Clear jars are great for your pet’s treats and food. Label all the dog food containers, Hooks are great to add for leaches and fold-able bowls. A wooden toy chest organizes the pet’s toys and keeps them picked up. Your pets name can be added to the toy chest. Outdoor dog chaises and outdoor dog houses are great for the pets to be outdoors. You want to give your pet the first few days extra attention and love to help take away their anxiousness. These tips will help them to adjust to their new home.